Become a Partner.
making an
We are always looking for new partners to help us achieve our mission. If you are interested in collaborating with us, or if you want to set up a regular donation, or simply want to talk to one of us, please contact us today.
How you can make a difference too:
We have a Givealittle page that you can access here
Bank Details are as follows:
La Vida Youth Trust
BNZ 02-0874-0041663-017
As we are a charitable trust, all donations over $5 are eligible for a donations debate of 33.3% from IRD at the end of financial year .
Alternatively give us a call on 03 343 4935
As a not-for-profit charitable trust, we are so grateful for your partnership and ongoing support.
It is entirely thanks to the generosity and support of the individuals, businesses, sponsorships and grants, we are able to serve our communities.